​Social Committee at the Ministry of Public Health – Volunteer with us


The Ministry of Public Health is the highest authority responsible for health affairs in Qatar. We believe in our ability to build a health system that provides advanced health care according to the highest standards.
The Ministry of Public Health aims to achieve many goals, the most important of which are:

  • Developing national strategies for health care in the country in light of the Qatar National Vision.
  • Develop health care policies and strategies, the plans and programs emanating from them, and the necessary control and follow-up systems to implement health strategies as a whole.
    The Ministry of Public Health works in accordance with a number of principles, the most important of which are:
  • Focusing on the human being because it considers patient satisfaction a goal in itself.
  • Focusing on health and wellness, both physical and psychological.

​Social Committee at the Ministry of Public Health – Volunteer with us
The Ministry of Public Health provides volunteer and field training opportunities for citizens and residents under specific conditions from the following categories:
High school students (volunteer)
University students (field training)
University graduates without experience (volunteering or field training)
Experienced specialists who do not currently work for any entity (volunteer)

The volunteer/field training opportunity is unpaid and does not guarantee a job offer or require appointment in the ministry.
A volunteer/field training certificate is granted after the successful completion of the volunteer/field training period.
The duration of volunteering/field training for students (school or university) is determined according to the official request sent by the academic institution.
The duration of volunteering/field training for graduates and specialists is only one to three months.

Anyone who has the opportunity to volunteer or field training must pledge to adhere to the policies and controls approved by the Ministry of Public Health. In the event that the volunteer or trainee does not comply, the Ministry has the right to terminate the volunteer or field training opportunity before the end of the period specified for that.

Behavioral standards for the volunteer and field trainee
Ethical commitment and treating others with respect.
Arrive to work in a decent and modest appearance that complies with local culture and the Ministry of Public Health’s standards for modest dress.
Do not exploit privileges (such as the Ministry’s access card, phone, computer, etc.) for personal goals or purposes.
Maintaining the confidentiality of work information, dealing with it responsibly, and preserving the reputation of the Ministry of Public Health.
Commitment to the days and times of volunteer work/field training and seriousness in performing tasks as required.
Not receiving visitors into the Ministry building for purposes not related to work.
Adhere to any Ministry of Public Health safety guidelines and report any risks or concerns to the volunteer or trainee’s supervisor immediately.

Please send the completed application with the following required documents via email to: L&[email protected]
A copy of the valid ID card.
A copy of the graduation certificate (for university graduates and experienced specialists).
A copy of the CV (for the graduate and the experienced specialist).
An official To Whom It May Concern letter from the educational body (school – university) addressed to the Human Resources Department at the Ministry of Public Health, stating the student’s name – personal number – duration of volunteering and number of hours required – specialization. (For school and university students)

We emphasize that we at the Ministry of Public Health are keen to consider all applications into consideration and provide equal opportunities for everyone. However, submitting an application does not necessarily mean guaranteeing an opportunity for volunteering or field training.
If you do not receive a response to your application within two months from the date of submitting the application, please re-apply.

Apply Here

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