Qatar Jobs


Career Fair 2024 (January 22)

The Deanship of Student Affairs at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies is preparing to organize the activities of the career fair in its seventh edition, on Monday, January 22, 2024, with the participation of 40 government and private employers, including the education sector, the finance and business sector, in addition to the press and media sector, services, and others. It is one of the important and vital work sectors in the country.

The career fair, which will be held at the headquarters of the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, provides an appropriate opportunity to help the Institute’s students and graduates and enable them to learn about the most important and prominent professional vacancies offered by the Qatari labor market, and to provide promising and diverse professional opportunities, in addition to informing them of the training opportunities that are compatible with their ambitions and career and professional orientations. Futurism.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Doha Institute for Graduate Studies was established in Qatar in 2015 as an independent institution for graduate studies, and is headquartered in Doha. The institute offers master’s and doctoral programs in two colleges: the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, and the College of Economics, Administration, and Public Policy, adopting the Arabic language as the primary language for study and research, with a requirement for proficiency in English. The Institute works to qualify researchers capable of contributing to the production of knowledge in accordance with international standards, professionals proficient in advanced skills in their specializations, and leaders capable of responding to the needs of the Arab world in sustainable development and intellectual and social advancement. The Institute adopts the integration of teaching and learning with scientific research.

The institute is based on four interrelated principles that are in line with its mission:

Arab participation in knowledge production
Combining transdisciplinary research and education

Commitment to academic standards
Keeping up with the latest achievements in the social and human sciences and in the fields of public administration and development economics

Intellectual responsibility and critical awareness
A new generation of intellectuals committed to Arab societies

Open space for intellectual independence
Based on knowledge and scientific thinking methods

For inquiries, you can contact us via:

Email [email protected]
phone number:
+974 40358794

“open invitation “

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