Linked in


What is LinkedIn


It is a social networking network for professionals and business owners, even if you are responsible for a specific profession or position in a company.

A student seeking to research and delve more deeply into the field of business

To gain a little experience or an overview of the work you are seeking,

Or if you are a business owner or owner of a company, then LinkedIn is definitely the right place for you!

LinkedIn holds LinkedIn

A large and huge amount of information about different fields of…

Business is considered a large information library about the labor market, and LinkedIn is also important for those looking to expand the scope of their work or…

Obtaining information about the profession in which they want to enter,

This is done by following up on the contacts that provide the required information and communicating with them.

This can be done by adding all your personal information, CV, if any, and previous experiences

It is displayed on your personal profile once you share it with others and becomes available to appear to the rest of the users.

LinkedIn was also designed to suit business owners. Let us explain to you:

For example, LinkedIn is no different

LinkedIn About the social networking platform (Facebook)

If you are good at dealing with Facebook and its features, then you are good at dealing with LinkedIn because of the great similarity between the two platforms.

Characteristics of LinkedIn and its parts:
There are some basic fields in LinkedIn that you, dear reader, must be fully aware of:

This is in addition to the fields that you discover yourself when registering your account on LinkedIn, which are more accurate than the basic fields.

Home page: It appears when you log in and displays all the activities that you share with others or that others shared on their personal page.
Personal page: It is a place dedicated to your personal information, including name, age, place of residence, and succession. It is also a place to display your previous experiences and personal information about your work. It contains some other fields, as it is considered a short CV.
Jobs: Business owners post jobs needed daily, and LinkedIn recommends jobs to followers based on their personal page.
Search bar: LinkedIn contains a powerful search feature according to the vast information it contains and provides search for all selected fields or topics. There is also an options button that allows you to find owners of fields and businesses that interest you.

Messages: LinkedIn also provides a messaging feature that allows you to communicate with others easier.
Notifications: It is natural for the social media platform to contain a notifications button that alerts you when there is a new job that suits your experiences and personal information.

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