Qatar University announces new academic vacancies


Qatar University has announced the availability of vacant positions in the academic field for many specializations, and here are more details below.

Required jobs:

Assistant Professor of Spanish Language.
Assistant Professor of French Language.
Assistant Professor of Writing.
Assistant Professor of Modern History (teaching track).
Assistant Professor of Public Relations (Strategic Communication).
Assistant Professor of Print/Electronic Journalism.
Associate Professor/Assistant in International Relations/Gulf Economic Affairs.
Assistant/Associate/Professor in Psychology.
Professor/Associate/Assistant Professor in Sociology.
Academic Evaluation Specialist.
Associate Professor of Gulf Economy.
Academic accreditation specialist.
Search help. Professor/Research Assistant. Professor, Research Professor in Sustainable Water Management.
Professor of health professional education.
Head of the Clinical Training Department of the College of Dentistry.
Dean of the College of Nursing.

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Human Nutrition.
Teaching Assistant in Food Science.
Assistant/Associate/Professor in Health Promotion.
Assistant/Associate/Professor in Biostatistics/Epidemiology.
Assistant/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Speech-Language Pathology.
Lecturer/Teaching Assistant in Speech-Language Pathology.

Conditions required for submission:

Obtaining a university degree in the specialty.
Experience working in the academic field.

Apply now

The employee must:

Commitment to the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, decisions and systems and working to implement them.
Carrying out the work assigned to him/herself accurately and honestly, and completing it on the appropriate dates in accordance with the established performance rates.
Commitment to official work hours and allocating working hours to perform his job duties.

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