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Duties and responsibilities of a medical laboratory technician

A medical laboratory technician is indispensable in scientific research laboratories in various environments, such as the medical environment, which includes analyzing body tissues, blood samples, and examining cells. As for the industrial environment, the work in which work is related to examining food and beverage samples to monitor quality and detect contamination.

There are many tasks and tasks related to the profession of a medical laboratory technician, the most important of which are:

Testing and analyzing different samples for scientists
Recording the results of analyzes and tests and preparing written reports on the findings to determine the best method for adopting them
Receiving samples from medical cases and testing them using specialized laboratory devices and equipment in this field

Classifying different samples for accurate and efficient analysis, such as blood samples, toxic samples, tissue samples, and so on
Adhere to standard procedures when conducting laboratory tests
Interpret test results, and give feedback and recommendations according to the situation
Adherence to safety and security standards in storing liquids, chemicals, and compressed gases
Relying on scientific methods used in conducting experiments and tests
Keep the work environment clean and sterile for more accurate results
Monitor the movement of laboratory supplies, and order more when needed
Maintaining devices and equipment used to conduct tests to ensure they work efficiently
Learn about developments and new technologies in the field of medical laboratories
Collect samples, analyze them, and present the results in an organized manner

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